
20 de agosto de 2014

Workout - Healthy Summer

Hellooooooo! ((:
I'm so so so so so so sorry I haven't post anything for a while! I mean, summer's almost over and I haven't started my summer series yet... I promise I won't blame you if you hate me right now!!
So, I'm finally starting that healthy summer series thing and I really hope you like it and you get motivated to start living a healthy lifestyle! or you can just keep living your yolo lazy life because you can

Healthy Summer - Workout

Well, I don't know about you guys, but I don't really like exercise that much... Why would I tell you this? Because you're probably as lazy as I used to be so, if you are, please think about this:

Working out is something you can do every single day and you don't even need to go to the gym! I promise you, you're going to feel much better!

Why should you workout?

    • Because you're going to be stronger more confident 
    • Because you're going to feel better about yourself and your body
    • Because you're worth it
    • Because it lowers risk of certain cancers and diabetes
    • Because it reduces stress
    • Because it improves muscle strength

How can you workout?

    • You can go to the gym 
    • You can simply go for a run with a friend
    • You can go to a dance class
    • You can search for some exercises on youtube like pilates, yoga, etc. I usually watch blogilates videos (click here to check)

Hope I can motivate you and inspire you ((: 
Byeeeeee <3

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