My Favourites Of The Month - February
So, I'm going to show you the same as last month! Hope you like it! :D
My first favourite of February is... this Britney Spears perfume! And, let me be honest, I don't really like Britney, or her songs, but I loove her perfume, it's amazing, believe me!
Last month, I've also been loving this curly mousse for the hair! It really works, and it gives some "life" to your hair.
My favourite book of February and, probably, of the rest of the year, was Divergent by Veronica Roth. It's per-fe-ction, it kind of reminds me of The Hunger Games but, don't get me wrong, it's not any kind of copy! It's an amazing original story and I'm pretty sure everyone's going to love it!
My favourite song is Wild Heart by The Vamps, a new boysband I found recently and I love! The song is fantastic!

This month I've been also using my Zara bag a lot! It's simple, but big, so I can put all my stuff into it!
Finally, in february, I also used this bracelet a lot! It's red and says LOVE, wich is adorable! I think you can find these in any accessory's shop or something! This one was in a magazine
So, I hope you liked my favourites february, I love them, if you want you may leave a comment telling me what you think of any of these things or telling me what were you're favourites of last month!
Talk to you later, byeeee!***